Connecting Your Constituency Office with Seamless Internet and Phone Services without the contractual tie-ins.
Stay connected and make communication easy with our affordable, high-quality services.
Staff can use their phone line on a laptop or mobile app, with handsets available for a traditional desk phone.
All phone lines come with 30 days of voice recording, so you can easily review calls when needed.
Missed a call? Voicemails are not only stored but also sent directly to your email for easy access and review.
Set up a professional greeting for your office. For example, “Welcome to the office of [MP’s Name]. Press 1 for casework, press 2 for diary enquiries…”, ensuring constituents are directed to the right team members instantly.
Group staff members by function (such as caseworkers), so when a caller presses the relevant option, all phones in that group will ring simultaneously, ensuring no call goes unanswered.
The standard connectivity is 80/20mbs however for larger offices, based on geographical area and availability through our suppliers, offices can get up to 1GB download speeds.
With years of experience in supporting parliamentary offices, we know how to keep your office connected and ensure smooth communication with your constituents.
Our services are specifically designed to meet the demands of MPs’ constituency offices, ensuring smooth operations and professional communication.
We won’t hold your office to its contractual term if you cease to be an MP, and we won’t penalise your office if staff members leave mid-contract.
From voice recording to automatic attendants, we offer all the tools you need to manage your office’s communication efficiently.
Our team is here to provide ongoing support, ensuring that everything from installation to daily use is hassle-free.
We provide local phone numbers allowing easy, professional communication between your office and your constituents.
Ensure your office runs smoothly with our reliable and secure internet solutions. We understand the unique needs of MPs, offering fast and stable internet connections to keep you and your staff connected at all times.
No Fuss IT is dedicated to providing high-quality internet and phone services to MPs’ constituency offices across the UK.
With years of experience in supporting parliamentary offices, we know how to keep your office connected and ensure smooth communication with your constituents.
We also understand that each person within your team has different levels of IT Skills and Knowledge, and all of our tech team’s support is simple and easy to understand.
Setting up your office with No Fuss IT is easy. Simply fill in the form below and our team will contact you to tailor a solution that fits your needs.
Our team of IT support analysts will work with you every step of the way on your IT journey to add value to your business IT infrastructure.
From Managed IT Services to Cloud Infrastructure, we provide a range of services to enable your business to outsource all of it’s IT needs with piece of mind every step of the way.erdiet.
No Fuss IT offers managed IT and support services, telecoms and procurement to businesses and busy IT teams.
We work with ICT Managers, Chief Technology Officers, IT Engineers and IT teams to fully understand and support your IT requirements on delivering value-added solutions.
Registered address: 2D Crown Business Park, Cowm Top Ln, Rochdale, OL11 2PU
Company Number: 11330630. VAT Registration: 336294195.